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AT&T Hackathon - Hawaii
09 Mar - 06:00 PM
Honolulu, United States
Have an app idea or need an app built for your business?
The Entertainment and IoT themed AT&T Hackathon, an event produced by the AT&T Developer Program, is designed for attendees interested in coding apps or hacking hardware solutions. So join us as we hack hardware, build apps/mobile apps, get fed, compete for prizes across different categories and most importantly: meet new people and scout for teammates to work on new or current projects. We will have experts from the local community onsite to assist with your development.
You Bring...
Your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset and/or team-up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ via the #atthack hashtag. Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your development skills are needed!
We Supply...
Quick presentations and code samples that help to bootstrap your hacking, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. We will have technical mentors to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools. We will also have loaner hardware on-site for you to use in your solutions.
Arduino Boards: Sunfounder Super Kit with Uno R3 for Arduino (Documentation)
RobotLinking 37 Sensor Kit
Intel Edison (Documentation) + Grove - Starter Kit Plus Intel IoT Edition
CanaKit Raspberry Pi 2 Complete Starter Kit (Monitor and keyboard not included)
Raspberry Pi 2, Model B 1GB, Documentation (Monitor and keyboard not included)
Photon Board Maker Kit (Documentation)
In addition to Iot hardware, we will have some VR equipment teams can check out. If you want to work with VR equipment, please make sure you have a machine that meets the minimum system requirements for the platform you want to work with.
HTC Vive
Oculus Rift
Samsung Gear VR (for Galaxy 6 or 7 series phones)
Google Cardboard
Event Schedule
Pre-hack technical workshop
March 8, 6 - 8PM - Learn VR for the Web, REGISTER HERE
Day 1
4:30PM - Doors Open
6:00PM - Kickoff event with dinner and networking. Get to know fellow attendees and start thinking about teams and what you want to build.
7:00PM - Speakers present
8:00PM - Pitch ideas and form teams
12:00AM - Facilitities close for the night. You may continue coding off site, but you will be unable to remain at the venue.
Day 2
6:00AM - Doors Open
8:00AM - The fun continues with breakfast served in the morning! Work with the teams from Day 1 to complete the app spec’d. Mentors will be available throughout the entire day to help you code up your solution. App submissions will be accepted throughout the day with a deadline of 6PM.
1:00PM - Lunch is Served
4:00PM - Deadline to register to present. Link provided via email on Day 1
6:00PM - Hands off keyboards, CODE FREEZE!!!
6:15PM - Pitches start promptly by 6:15PM and are limited to three (3) minutes per team. Please be sure to begin by focusing on your demo to ensure you have time to show what you have built.
The following prizes are experiential and geared towards accelerating you towards a successful business as well as expanding your network and industry knowledge. The prizes will be paid out as Amazon gift cards onsite for the team to split.
Best App Overall:
Grand Prize - $2,500 for the team to split
Best Entertainment/Gaming App Overall:
1st Place - $1,000 for the team to split
2nd Place -$500 for the team to split
Best IoT App Overall:
1st Place - $1,000 for the team to split
2nd Place -$500 for the team to split
Most Technically Challenging Implementation - $500 for the team to split
Best UI/UX - $500 for the team to split
Best Use of AT&T M2X- $500 for the team to split
Best VR App - $500 for the team to split
Best AR App - $500 for the team to split
Judging Criteria
Apps will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted accordingly.
33% Weight - Ability to clearly articulate what your app does
33% Weight - Originality of idea
33% Weight - Technically creative and/or challenging implementation
Hackathon Legal
Hackathon terms:
We expect all participants to abide by the Hack Code of Conduct:
Social Media
Follow us, @attdeveloper, for live updates and photos from the event
"Like" us on Facebook!
Free AT&T "Humans & Virtual Reality" workshops, NY: Feb 13 or 14
13 Feb - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
See why over 5,300 people have attended AT&T workshops!
Also check out our free "Intro to 360 Filmmaking: A Step-by-step Demonstration" workshop. Register for it here.
“Without a clear understanding of the human side of virtual reality, the experience will always fail.” (Jason Jerald)
Designing for virtual reality is an incredibly complex challenge. When done well, these experiences can be brilliant and pleasurable, but when done badly, they can result in frustration and sickness. In this free 3-hour workshop Jason Jerald, author of The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality and Co-Founder & Principal Consultant of NextGen Interactions, through a combination of use cases and demonstrations will show how users perceive and intuitively interact with various forms of reality, discuss the causes of VR sickness, and demonstrate how to employ useful and pleasing content to create an immersive experience.
When you leave the workshop, you will understand virtual reality from the human experience perspective, allowing you to better create – or simply appreciate – powerful VR applications, whether for entertainment, education, science, healthcare, or the myriad of other uses of this new and exciting technology.
This workshop is for everyone, whether a developer, content creator, filmmaker, or simply someone interested in knowing more about VR.
RAFFLE! Signed copy of Jason Jerald's The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality.
Also join us at the free "Intro to 360 Filmmaking: A Step-by-step Demonstration" workshop. Register for "INTRO TO 360 FILMMAKING: A STEP-BY-STEP DEMONSTRATION" workshop here.
In collaboration with TechFam
Jason Jerald, PhD, Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, NextGen Interactions
Jason Jerald, author of The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality, is Co-Founder and Principal Consultant at NextGen Interactions which focuses on VR consulting and contracting services. In addition to primarily focusing on NextGen Interactions and its clients, Jason advises VR companies and is Adjunct Faculty at Duke University. Jason has also served on the ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE Virtual Reality, and IEEE 3D User Interface Committees.
Jason has been creating VR systems and applications for over 20 years. He has been involved in over 70 VR-related projects across more than 40 organizations including Valve, Oculus, Virtuix, Sixense, NASA, General Motors, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, three U.S. national laboratories, and five universities.
He earned a Master and a Doctorate degree in Computer Science from UNC-Chapel Hill with a focus on perception of motion and latency in VR. Jason holds numerous publications, most notably The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality.
Join the AT&T New York Tech & Entertainment: Workshops and Competitions meetup to stay up to date on local AT&T events.
And sign up for the AT&T SHAPE newsletter and be the first to know about our upcoming entertainment hackathons, short film competitions and 360 filmmaking workshops across the country.
Free AT&T "Intro to 360 Filmmaking: A Step-by-step Demonstration" workshops, NY: Feb 13 or 14
13 Feb - 01:00 PM
New York, United States
See why over 5,300 people have attended AT&T workshops!
Also check out our free "Humans and Virtual Reality" workshop. Register for it here.
"Intro to 360 Filmmaking: A Step-by-Step Demonstration" uses lecture, live filming demonstrations, and hands-on labs to cover:
- Why 360? - What equipment do you need? - How does producing video in 360 differ from traditional video? - What are the steps and challenges of planning and filming a 360 movie? - How is post production different from standard video? - How do you distribute a 360 video?
In these free 3-hour workshops, Mike Cuales, Instructor for NextGen Interactions, Creative Director at NC State University and Owner of LEVR Studios, demonstrates the creation of a 360 video by stepping through pre-production, production, post and distribution.
When you leave the workshop, you will have a working knowledge of 360 video production and the skills to go out and start producing your own experiences.
RAFFLE! Signed copy of Michael Wohl's The 360° Video Handbook: A step-by-step guide to creating video for virtual reality (VR)
Also join us at the free "Humans and Virtual Reality" workshop. REGISTER FOR "HUMANS AND VIRTUAL REALITY" HERE.
In collaboration with TechFam
Mike Cuales, Creative Director, NC State University / Owner, LEVR Studios / Instructor, NextGen Interactions,
In his current role as Creative Director at North Carolina State University's Department of Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA), Mike manages a diverse team of multimedia designers. In the past few years, he has focused his efforts on the exploration, production and application of interactive 360º VR video in higher education courses and University-wide initiatives.
Outside of the University, Mike has worked with many commercial entities as well as the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Museum of Art, City of Raleigh Museum, Research Triangle Park, Duke Marine Lab and RTP STEM in the Park to explore applications for virtual reality in entertainment, marketing, STEaM outreach and community engagement. In 2015, he launched LEVR Studios LLC, a startup focused on 360 VR video design, production and consulting. Among other projects, in partnership with filmmaker Arthur Earnest he created a series of documentary-style 360 films for the NC Museum of Art. In 2016, Mike partnered with Derek Alan Rowe from WildEyesVR to develop a series of science-based VR field trips for kids of all ages. One of the films produced, BugVR, was exhibited at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences BugFest event which was attended by over 35,000 visitors. He has hosted VR-based exhibits for thousands of attendees during events like BugFest, Ansel Adams Masterworks, NC Museum of Art's Educators Expo and a range of STEM Expos for K-12 education.
Mike has taught animation and digital imaging at NC State’s College of Design and teaches VR and 360 filmmaking workshops for NextGen Interactions. He pioneered a 360 VR video production course at Duke TIP and has presented at SXSWedu (two years), UNC Cause, Liberact, HOW Design, Hopscotch Design, Art of Cool, RTP 180, a Future of VR in Education panel sponsored by the Morehead Planetarium and the 2017 Digital Libraries conference.
Join the AT&T New York Tech & Entertainment: Workshops and Competitions meetup to stay up to date on local AT&T events.
And sign up for the AT&T SHAPE newsletter and be the first to know about our upcoming entertainment hackathons, short film competitions and 360 filmmaking workshops across the country.
AT&T: Free IoT Coding Workshops, Aug 9 or 10, Los Angeles - with GDI & WWCode meetups
04 Feb - 12:00 PM
El Segundo, United States
See why over 3,500 developers have attended AT&T DevLab Coding Workshops!
Interested in the Internet of Things (IoT)? Want to collect and retrieve data from Internet-connected sensors? Then join the AT&T Developer Program, in partnership with Girl Develop It LA and Women Who Code LA, in a 3-hour, hands-on IoT and IFTTT (If This Then That) coding workshop in which our subject matter experts will show you how to work with Internet-enabled devices then provide help as you go through coding examples yourself.
We will hand out TI MSP432 LaunchPad and CC3100 SimpleLink Wi-Fi BoosterPack Internet-connected development boards – yours to keep – for the lab exercises. You'll learn how to connect these to a cloud-based, fully-managed data storage service for network connected machine-to-machine (M2M) devices. Then you'll use AT&T Flow Designer, which lets you rapidly build and deploy complex applications and environments - all from your favorite browser.
The events are free and we will be serving lunch or dinner. So bring your Windows or Mac laptop and join us for an afternoon or evening of learning, coding, socializing, and eating!
Schedule (all sessions have the same content)
Afternoon session:
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Registration & lunch
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. AT&T IoT Coding Workshop
Evening session:
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registration & dinner
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. AT&T IoT Coding Workshop
Partnering with the Girl Develop It LA and Women Who Code LA meetups.
Join the AT&T Los Angeles Coding Workshops & Hackathons meetup or the OC Coding Workshops & Hackathons meetup to stay up to date on future AT&T events.
Join us at AT&T's DIRECTV campus.
Previous DevLabs
All attendees are expected to abide by the Girl Develop It Code of Conduct.
Technical Details for Lab Exercises (please set up ahead of time)
Note that though M2X, Flow Designer, and TI LaunchPads work with most operating systems, only Mac OS and Windows are supported during the DevLab.
Installing Postman and cURL for the Lab Exercises
The lab exercises use Postman and cURL so please install them before the event.
We will use cURL for the M2X API lab exercises but you can also use Postman (a free Chrome add-in) if you prefer. You can download Postman at and the Chrome browser at
For the lab exercises we will use cURL, a powerful command-line tool for making HTTP calls.
Pre-requisites: Windows 7 or later (cURL is already installed on Mac computers)
Downloading curl
Use the following steps to install curl:
Open in a browser.
Select your operating system in the dropdown box: either Windows /Win32 or Win 64. Click Select!
For Win 32, choose whether you will use curl in a Windows Command Prompt (Generic) or in a Cygwin terminal (cygwin). For Win 64, choose whether you will use curl in a Windows Command Prompt (Generic) or MinGW (MinGW64). Click Select!
If required, choose your Windows operating system. Finish.
Click Download for the version which has SSL enabled.
Choose a version with support for SSL.
Open the downloaded zip file. Extract the files to an easy-to-find place, such as C:\Program Files.
Testing curl
Open up the Windows Command Prompt terminal. (From the Start menu, click Run, then type cmd.)
Set the path to include the directory where you put curl.exe. For example, if you put it in C:\Program Files\curl, then you would type the following command:
set path=%path%;"c:\Program Files\curl"
Type curl.
You should see the following message:
curl: try 'curl –help' or 'curl –message' for more information
This means that curl is installed and the path is correct.
You should see JSON returned:
Setting Up the Energia IDE
The Energia IDE allows you to communicate with the TI device. Follow these steps to download it and set it up.
Download Energia for your platform from here:
Unzip and run Energia.
From the Tools menu, choose Board and then Launchpad w/ msp432 EMT (48 MHz)
AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - Los Angeles
19 Jan - 05:00 PM
Los Angeles, United States
Developers, designers, and creators in Los Angeles and Southern California! Are you interested in entertainment and love to code? If so, the AT&T Developer Program invites you to participate in the AT&T Entertainment Hackathon - Los Angeles. You'll be given 24 hours to imagine, design and prototype an innovative app that will disrupt the way people experience, consume, or create content. Come with your team, or join one at the event. Collaborate and compete to win prizes for best entertainment app, best next-gen advertising solution, or best video/game.